Yesterday and today are mowing and trimming days. We mow the Webbs yard and a widow lady down the road. Thes e are mowings with a thank you and we do not mind at all. Shane was finally moved to the rehab area. He has been there off and on but this appears to be more nomal at this point. Normal being a bad word. Shane was on his feet walking yesterday so the nurses will be more aggresive. His mother said he talks too much--joke. They have friends that will allow them time off Saturday during the day only. Shane will be rehabbing during this time probably. The people that know the family and want to visit are being told Shane may ask about his brother and to please not release any information. Your prayers and thoughts are a big help and are appreciated. I have a tough time talking about Shane in our meetings so I rush thru this part. It will be about a month more probably--if it goes as expected. thanks

paul weatherholt