After trying all these really good and neat techniques, if the action is just a little too slow for you; get some gold long shank mustad #4 aderdeen hooks, some small split shot weights, a styrofoam float with weight made onto the bottom to make it stand up and so you can cast a little further, then put a 1/2 inch piece of night crawler on. Cast it out, chew on a piece of grass or down some of your favorite beverage, but always watch the cork(float,bobber) for telltale signs of your quarry attempting to devour the morsel. When you think he has it in his mouth, pull the rod tip up slightly to lodge the hook into the unsuspecting fishes mouth. Have fun. can tie a small swivel on the line and use snelled hooks(they have a leader and loop on them. put the float 2 ft. above the hook and split shot near the swivel. You can put the float a little farther from the hook as you gain proficiency with casting.

Last edited by burgermeister; 09/23/09 08:55 PM.