not skill.. more luck i'd say!.. mine were alive.. in a huge bag, i had a big 100gal cooler that i filled with water and i dumped two of them in that.. and the other i left in the cardboard box that they came in.. they were "chilled" not frozen... my drive was 1hr. when i dumped em.. yeah i had the same.. alot swam off or walked off.. but i'd say 10-20 per bag were D.O.A. when i dumped.. and yes i'd see your occasional shell on the bank (coons).. but other than that, i've seen their hole's on the edge of the water, and under the feeders, also have seen them in the shallow's walkin around as well.. so i'm hoping (crossing fingers) that they did make it and i'm not tootin my own horn only seein a dozen or so since that stocking!


"Born to fish, Forced to work!"

2.3 acre, 1.5 acre, 1 acre , .5acre (bgill only)