1. Bob, Bob's staff, Mike and family ALL deserve our hearty thanks. I sincerely hope that attendance was sufficient for the meeting to be a success for them! I don't know if anyone else reported it, but that first morning with a show of hands, it looked like at least 60-70% of the attendees were first-timers! I visited with a couple from Michigan who came because it was "close" to them. :-) I visited with an outdoor writer from Miami, FL, who also has a pond in TN. He came all the way from FL because he had heard it might be a good source of stories. \:\) He said he had about 40 stories the last time we spoke. I don't know about the moderators, but because I was wearing a Pond Boss shirt, I constantly had people coming up to me and asking me to be sure that Bob understood their appreciation.

2. Sunil, I'm just darn glad you made it home on the darn airlines, buddy!! \:\)

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.