wow, great looking brownie Cecil and tks for the info. you have brought up a few great points.

are there any legal issues dirverting the spring? i dont know, i cant find anything on the internet about it, so i guess i will have to have someone come out and tell me what i can and cant do.

if i take 2-3 gpm from the stream and it ends back in the stream i dont think it would be a problem, but then again it may very well be. also i cant find any info for a pond permit as well, so same thing i guess.

i am going to do my best to track down the owners of the pond i posted, i am hoping that they do not use any electrical pumps, that would be heart breaking, because my electric box is way up by my house. my hope is that he is using a ram pump, it seems like the waterflow from the waterfall is in one second intervals like a ram.

my plan would be just to have little trout and when they reach 1-1.25 lbs, remove them, drain the pond, fix any problems, and start again. should be a once a year thing.

how many gpm do you think that pond video is putting out from the water fall?