hey Lunker,

yeah the water flow into the pond is my biggest difficulty right now, i have read that i would need 3 gpm to support 300 trout in a small pond enviornment. I am figuring the waterfall thingy (to me looks like a ram pump) from the trout pond link in my first post is about 5gpm. I would be happy with 3 gpm.

it is really going to be difficult to produce that. this ram pump looks really compeling (ram pump) . I do not need to go up hill which the ram pump is really designed to do, but it should be more effective then suction from just a hose.

here is my first design lol the pond is 60x60 and the hose/pvc pipe would be 150ft.

in regards to summer output here is a pic my girlfriend took during the hottest part of the summer, however it is about 500ft lower then my property
