I have posted before about my love of braided lines but would advise you to spool your lines with fluorocarbon to start. The braided line has NO stretch and can wind around the tip of your rod quite easily.
As for the birds nests on a baitcasting reel I have a tip. There will be a small usually silver knob on the side of your reel. You tighten and loosen it depending on the weight of the lure you are casting. When you open the bail to let line out the bait should slowly fall to the ground. If it falls too fast, tighten the knob. Do not confuse this knob with the drag adjustment.
Also a big help is to get used to thumbing the line just before it hits the water. This will avoid the backlash and straighten out your line to properly present your lure without tangling that end up either. I hope that I explained that properly and if you have any other questions please feel free to PM me...

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