Just an update on my “Fishing Buddy” Shane. We talked with Candy (his Mom) last night about 9:30 p.m. Shane was in surgery. After moving him to Jackson, they did an evaluation. After the day of tests, ex-rays, and scans they discovered the feeding tube that had been put in place in Alabama was not placed properly. The food was coming out around the tube and through the incision in his abdomen. That had to be fixed plus they may have to remove part of his small intestine. There is also a pus pocket in the lung where the tube was. They will clean that out and also set his arm. Depending on how well he does after this surgery, he will have another surgery on Monday or Wednesday on his arm. We haven’t talked with them this morning as the surgery was not expected to be over until around midnight.
Shane is still not out of the woods so keep those prayers coming.
There is a special account set up for Shane at Keesler Federal Credit Union. This account is for any special equipment or renovations they may need when they bring him home. It will not be touched for anything else. We just returned from the Bank where we made a deposit for them so they can pay the house payment. We checked with the teller at the drive thru and the bank has agreed, if you want to send a donation directly to the bank you may do so: Bank Of Wiggins, 109 W. Pine Ave, Wiggins, MS 39577. Be sure to include it is for the Todd Webb account. The phone number of the Bank is: 601-928-5233.

paul weatherholt