I live in the thumb of Michigan. My pond is 30 years old, dug in a farm drainage ditch. It's approximatly 1/3 surface acre, when full about 180' X 90' pretty much rectangular. When dug it was nearly 20' deep in the middle, but I'm sure not that much anymore. It has sloped sides and the north end was a beach so the slope is less. The soil is mucky and my water has tannic acid, but I guess not the bad kind as I have had fish for years. Usually I can see about 1-2 feet down from my dock. I get runoff from the fields that are farmed on my property and have a 6" drain pipe that empties the excess back into the drainage ditch. Most runoff occurs in the spring when the snow melts, but this year we've had two 5"+ rains that caused runoff to enter. Generally during the summer the pond stays below the drain pipe so it is static. I have had a wind powered floating windmill in the pond in the winter to pull warmer water up from the bottom, but it is wearing out. I have had a few winter kills, but last year was super cold and snowy and my small windmill could not keep up. Also this year with all the rain and runoff from the fertilzed fields my algae problem has been terrible. Been adding Cutrine too much and am worried about the copper. Mostly have the FA but also this year have seen a new type called Water Net Algae. Had alot of Sago Pondweed but got rid of most of that with Hydrothol 191. Very few emergent weeds.

With the age of the pond I know there is a bunch of old leaves and decaying weed and algae matter that are just lying there. I need to start to take care of my pond instead of just adding chemicals. I think it's still a healthy pond as I have clams that are some 4-5" in size and have heard if they grow your water is OK. My fish are at a minimum from my kill last spring, but I have added 12-4" cats, and 25-3 to 4" LMB and BG. And there were a few residuals that made it thru the winter. So I have decided to look into an aerator and have a few questions:

1) My pond is around 100 yards from my nearest power source. Is it cheaper or better to bury an electrical line out closer to my pond or run the air tubing from my garage? What size wire would I need to run a small 3-5 amp pump if I have a 300' length? I think I would prefer to run the electrical wire as I hate to develope a hole in the air tube and figure out there it is!
2) Living in Michigan I would like to run it in the winter to keep my pond opened up. Does the air line have to be placed under the frost line all the way from the pump? (42") And how deep does it have to be where it enters the pond? Can't figure out how to dig a trench in the pond to bury that deep!!
3) Will probably contact a few companies here on the forum for advice, but I imagine 1 or 2 diffusers will suffice for my needs. I would guess the type of pump would depend on if I set it up back by my pond or run it 100 yards away.

Sorry I rambled on, but wanted to give as much information as possible. Appreciate any ideas or advice and would like to have it going before winter rolls in!!

Might add would probably make this a DIY, but want to have it designed properly as I've read the stories of an improperly laid out system that did not work.

Brian S.

Last edited by Brian S.; 09/07/09 08:08 AM.