Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
That is great DIED! I never thought you'd actually make a video, how dare I doubt you... You are quite talented! Wanna play at my wedding? HAHA

i'd love to play at the reception, but only after the bar has been open for a while...

 Originally Posted By: Brettski
Rock me baby!
Good one, Dave. Do you maintain your callouses, or do you work with sore finger tips when friends and family bug ya to jam?

very perceptive b'ski, they used to be so thick i couldnt a feel a thing, now after 10 minutes of playing i need first aid for the bleeding and wimper like a baby for the next three days.

BTW, that video was the second take, i could barely get through those last couple chords, on the first take i found out two of my power chords and my "cry baby" are shot.

 Originally Posted By: TOM G
Oncor oncor

nah, i'm done for probably another 6 months or so tom, but thanks for the props

 Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
DIED, you rock! See folks I told you DIED had mad guitar skills. And you thought this was just another one of my stories.

Right on my brother, thank you for making the video and posting it, that is truly awesome my good friend.

jhap, my "skills" are a dime a dozen, but i'm tickled you had fun w/ this, i did too....i wont be quittin the day job anytime soon....

 Originally Posted By: Sunil
TOM G, you are dangerously close to a phone call.

You mean "Encore, encore!"

c'mon sunil, you have the encore......i gave you a taste of an old strat w/ an old amp, now lets hear one of yer sweet new axes.. \:\)

and the crowd screams "su neeel! su neel! su neeel!"

GSF are people too!