Originally Posted By: Brettski
Can you quickly review the dimensions and depths of the project? That draw is cavernous! As I see it, it appears that the draw will be one heckuva deep hole with the surrounding areas being cleared at a shallower perimeter. What I can't visualize is the dam area, but assume it to be further down the draw.

Pretty much it. The rought layout of the pond is at the beginning of this thread. I show the north shore as a straight east and west line and it is really SW to NE. The deep draw you see is really deep 40 to 50 feet deep. Today we filled a lot of it in. We are going to keep this area 20 - 30 foot deep. A winter and low water refuge for the fish. We will move the dirt from the east and south ends yet to make the rest of the damm. There is still some brush clearing/tree removal to be done on the north side of the pond but I am trying to keep as many trees as possible there. In this picture I am standing at the south end of the damm facing north

This is another picture where I am standing back a ways from the area but I am facing towards the damm area. It is right where the woods start.

There is a little more brush clearing to be done but that will have to wait some my dirt guy had to big a basement with it today and most likely tomorrow, long story.

Last edited by lassig; 08/26/09 06:18 AM.