Thanks Tom & JHAP. I dd not know what to think. As I previously posted, In my 10 years with this pond I never saw that many fish coming to the surface. I had read that you usually find this type of activity in the morning, due to the DO falling the most at night.In my case it was 6:00 PM. on a very sunny day. Numerous events can cause this but in my case the only thing close was the heavy ran. So, me being the eternal pessimist that I am, I assumed the worse. You know, the wheels start turning, did I do something, was it a chemical, some type of fungus or disease, etc.etc.
My first thought was the Sonar I used to take out the Hydrilla. But that was 9 weeks ago, so I discounted that theory. Second was the rain and a turnover. Third was a fungus or disease. Some of my catfish have white blotches on them. I have read a bunch about this and do not know what to think. So I figured I would make a post and get some input. It is definitely comforting to be able to get information from people who are in the know and eat,sleep,drink, ponds everyday.
I can only assume it was feeding. There seems to be a large amount of the insects( spider like) that seem to walk on the water. Maybe that is what they were feeding on. None the less, no dead fish today = a happy day!

Last edited by Gates; 08/24/09 09:06 AM.