
rain is killing me as well. thats why I'm sitting here on the computer and not out working. Most of the ponds I fertilized dont have good blooms right now. Berkeley is looking good but keep in mind its almost 100 acres and has water 65 feet deep at the dam. Lots of retention. only the ponds that dont have streams have a bloom right now for me.

you can use the feed to help suppliment your bluegill. you can even bump up the rate of food. as this rain lets up and your bloom established later in the summer (hopefully) you may notice the pond getting too green at that point you will need to cut back on the feed. I have delt with several guys who decided to feed and fertilize and most of them messed it up, results were fish kills and bluegreen algae blooms.

Plus, we have no idea how fertile that pond in La is, no idea what is in the surrounding water shed, no idea what the water qualtiy looks like or soil make up for that matter, no idea the history of the pond or surrounding area. All these things factor into how the pond can be managed and at what rate nutrinets (feed and fertilizer) can be added. Feeding and fertilizing can be done and if done right will produce nice fish. If done wrong it will result in big problems, like a pond full of dead fish or an algae that you cant get rid of that makes the pond stink like ammonia for 3 months of the year. I just wanted to point this out.