Thank you for the clarification, where would I be without you guys?
OK, this evening I got an 8 ft. Secchi Disk Reading, dropped it down further at that spot and the lake is 9ft deep there. Will go around tomorrow and look at the 8 ft areas of the lake if I have time. My asst. is on vacation this week, husband is sick going for ultrasound & cat scan on Wed, hope it all comes out well. GF LakeChair hubby is a little concerned about me and GFLakechair being such good buddies, he thinks I am a bad influence since I had a little too much Baileys at that party the other night: How often is there a party next door with the lake like that? I have been the designated driver for over 30 years, can't I cut loose just a bit?

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.