Originally Posted By: BSFfanatic
Now I know for myself that they can be stored in the cold, but I don't know for how long. There is probably a shelf limit it you will, but I would assume that is quite some time as they go dormant.

Eggs that hatched in my BioPod last year in late October were still in the juvenile larval stage in early May of this year. They delayed their development until spring when mating could resume. This might be effected by several factors but temperature seems like the most important. Those larvae were fed occasionally during the winter and were not completely dormant.

You can store BSF grubs for several weeks and possibly months with refrigeration, but you have to provide them with fresh air and humidity around 70%. Most refrigerators create a relatively dry environment which will eventually kill the grubs.

I don't have a payment plan for BioPods. I just use the typical internet method of receiving the funds first and then ordering the units to be drop shipped by the manufacturer.