Brad, carrying capacity is the amount of fish your body of water can hold. Variables to this is the fertility of the water. The clearer the water the less fertile it is. With more nutrients, more plankton and zooplankton, etc. the more carrying capacity your water has and the less clear it is. In the south, they tend to fertilize their waters to increase their carrying capacity to approx. 400 lbs per acre of total fish weight. An unfertilized body of water holds up to 100 lbs per acre. Most northern ponds don't fertilize. My water is clear but the algae bloom and plankton bloom helps to reduce the clarity somewhat during the growing season. I guessimate my carrying capcaity at 200 lbs of total fish per acre. With that number, I will add the appropriate number of adult LMB soon to my biomass, remembering I need the adequate amount of forage base and size to support those bass growing (1 lb bass to 10 lbs forage fish). Remembering that LMB eat 3.0 to 3.5 times smaller fish than themselves. Does this help and isn't pond/fish management great.....????
