Moms update this evenin

sounds better to me, Thank you guys

I am back in the hotel and it's Bob's turn to spend the night with Matt at the hospital. The spinal fluid pressure test came back at 160 - so, the doctor's are holding off on a surgery for the shunt. Thank God! They will do another test on Friday to see where the pressure is. We are getting a little more response from Matt each day. Today we put the phone up to his ear and Uncle Jimmy and Nonnie both talked to him and could hear some moans and Uncle Jimmy heard him laugh. He sort of opened his eye today too. The tv/music system in the room is great. I played some music for Matt - Tom Petty, Nelly, Alicia Keys, Lenny Kravitz and Esther the Child Life Social Worker let us borrow her Beatles CD. Bob watched Rush Hour 2 with Matt twice today. We try to keep the tv or music on Matt's favorites; sports, family guy, etc... I told him today he was like 'Sleeping Beauty' - but, he needs a PRINCESS to come kiss him to wake him up - because MY kisses aren't working (obviously)! I am just MOM! Bob continues to tell him funny stories and tickle him as well and he can get him to laugh. The nurses in PICU are so wonderful! Every single one of them! We totally admire their profession. I keep telling them - just wait until you can REALLY meet Matt - he will be exactly like we've described him and MORE!

Bob and I are missing Emileigh so much. We wish she were here - she and Matthew share a special bond, they have from the day Matt was born. Emileigh could really get a response from him while she was here. She is a strong young lady and I'm very proud of her. She will be starting school next week - her senior year. I'm hoping some way - that I can be there for her on her 1st day of school.

We wish we could express thru Matt's site the overwhelming love and appreciation we have for all of you - your thoughts, prayers, support, cards, and love. Because of this we continue to be strong and know that God has a very very special plan for Matthew Robert Hernan!

Peace - Light & Love, The Hernan Family

A little snow, Please!