Thank you for that very interesting information. I hope if we do another fish kill they do it soon. We want that zooplankton population to rebound - poor lake, no vegetation, no fish, no birds now, just ducks. However, Fav Guy BOS treated last Friday (hit it hard,it was bad after the fish kill) and then we had 3-1/2" of rain over the weekend, washed in any dead fish that were decomposing in the storm drains, and I am quite surprised that the lake looks as good as it does today, really surprised. Maybe our banning Phosphours and the city vac truck and streetsweeper (he was here today) is going to make a difference? A very interesting science experiment in my own back yard.

PS: My husband is out on Lake St. Clair right now Muskie Fishing, hope they catch a couple, I think they have to be 50" to keep, although I don't know why anyone would want to keep them.

Last edited by 2catmom; 08/11/09 01:15 PM. Reason: ps

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.