Originally Posted By: BSFfanatic
I am thinking that if I switch to putting cellulose and cardboard on the worms and continue with food scraps, high starch, animal feed, etc on the Larvae, hopefully the BSF will not even look at the worm containers.

Then I am assuming that after so long with just grass clippings, water, and cardboard, all the BSf sould cycle out?

Nothing wrong with that logic. Your idea is the most effective approach.

Alternatively you could keep the worm bins in a screened area that wouldn't allow the adult BSF females access. Even then a few might get in if you weren't careful. Putting screen directly over the bin itself won't help because the BSF will just lay eggs on the screen and the tiny grubs will fall or crawl into the bin.

To be honest you may have the same problem if you use the BSF castings for worm bedding. I'm afraid the castings will also serve to attract BSF to your worm bin. In fact I'm counting on it because I include castings in my BSF starter kits for just that reason.

I inadvertently discovered a biological BSF deterrent but I'm not sure that it's 100% effective:

 Originally Posted By: BSFfanatic
mrgrackle, What kind of worms do you have in that blue barrel?

We haven't heard from mrgrackle for several months, but I believe he was using traditional composting techniques without the addition of worms.