Two ways to grow / feed the offspring of reproducing fatheads. Finely ground fish food (pond chow or catfish food) and or by fertilizing the water to produce a bloom of microplants and tiny water fleas (zooplankton). Either one or a combination will work. You will probably have to grind your own fine food from whole pellets. Finely ground 24% - 32% protein fish food is, to my knowledge, not available.
If you decide to use fertilizer try the brand "Southern Excellence" discussed by Bob Lusk under the topic Managing an Existing Pond/ Fertilization/ Fowl Vegetation, Post of Bob Lusk Oct 16, 2002. It's pretty fool proof; many have great success with it.

If you need more basic information on fertilizing and establishing a plankton bloom there are articles in back issues of Pond Boss Magazine. Come back if you need specific issue numbers for ordering which specific back issues.

Question?? How big is the tank or lined pond??

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management