Remember that great Paul Harvey radio show?

You would learn about a subject and then hear a twist at the end.

Well my during July visit with DIED and DWIED I learned a twist in their story and it gave me an idea. Many of us have posted about our lives, spouses, vocations, avocations, vacations, avacations, triumps, tragedies, food recipies and cooking disasters. But these are not all we each are.

Each one of us has done something unique in our lives and that story has not been told. Sure this could get humorous but what I'm really looking for is a factoid about your life that the rest of the forum doesn't know. Perhaps you collected rabbits, or raced motorcycles, or collected motorcycling racing rabbits, you know just an unusual factoid.

I'll start by outing DIED. I've come to know DIED fairly well, he's a great friend of mine. You all know that he's a geologist, an avid fisherman (and quite good I might add) a GSF officiando (has them over 1 pound) and an all around great guy. But there's something about my buddy Dave that you don't know. And here's the story....

DIED, DWIED, JWHAP and I were relaxing in DIED's living room drinking some beer and talking about the Pond Boss conference, which I had mentioned that I was not going to be able to attend this year. And suddenly Sunil's name came up (did you ever notice that no matter where you are in the world and no matter who you're talking to that Sunil's name always comes up? What's up with that?). We got to talking about Sunil's guitar collection.

So DIED suddenly says to me, "have you seen my guitar?"

Naturally I respond "What guitar?"

He says "hang on a minute" and walks away.

So I sit there drinking my beer and DIED comes back into the room with a sticker covered guitar case. He lays it on the floor opens it up and hands me a Fender 25th Anniversary Model Stratocaster. The guitar is absolutely beautiful.

So I say to Dave, "I had no idea you owned a Stratocaster. Do you play?"

Died shyly says "A little."

He sits on the couch, I hand him back the guitar and he begins an unreal guitar riff, he deftly switches between various pieces of music. JWHAP and I are completely blown away.

DWIED then says that Dave use to play in a band. I had absolutely no idea. Sure we've joked about Dave and the El Dorados but I never knew that DIED actually played a guitar (and quite well I might add).

So while out at dinner I'm telling DIED and I can't believe how good he is on the guitar, he smiles and say's "Well that's how I landed DWIED, the girls go wild for guitarists."

We both laugh and DWIED says, "Well although I do really like your guitar playing that's not the main reason I dated you. The main reason that I decided to date you was because your cute little butt."

......and now you know the rest of the story.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)