I'm with Yolk. A two-acre pond is a decent-sized pond...until you get the number of people fishing it that you currently have, at which point the fish quickly can become extremely hook-shy (and depleted if even one or two of those fishermen are keeping their catch). I would say just from the regularity of lines being plied in that pond that probably the larger bass in there are already far past ever falling for any presentation other than a live bluegill. I fish a pond that's smaller than yours, a little under an acre, but which receives about the equivalent (less total, but for its size about the same) pressure; I've only seen other fishermen there when I was there, a handful of times over two years, though one of those times there were two other parties other than me. It has several large LMB that I've seen as recently as last fall when I saw a pack of six or eight not one of which would've gone under four pounds and some bigger; a couple years ago the larger bass would still hit lures, but now I have gone over a year without hooking a big one on a lure. They go after live bluegill with great frequency; anything else and you're just practicing your casting skills. The smaller bass (1-2 pounds) still hit lures; the big ones just ignore you. I haven't heard of or seen anyone catch one of the larger ones on a lure in close to two years. I've caught several big ones just in the past two months while reeling in a small bluegill, but they're over lures.

I would suggest significantly curtailing the frequency of fishing trips by anyone but yourself and your loved ones. Come up with a schedule, once or twice a month perhaps (two acres is not a 1,000 acre lake), of trips allowed by renters, friends of renters you want to allow (I wouldn't be that generous but that's just me), etc.; once the quota has been reached for a given month, no more trips other than by you and the family.