They have some really nice stains for concrete these days that might be a good option for your shop area sense I recall it will also be guest bed rooms for a while before it is a work shop area unless you have changed that idea. I'm not sure how well the impregnated stains hold up in a shop area compared to the thick epoxy coatings but it sure looks nice in residenial sittings. A close friend just had a 40x50 shop done in stain and had bowties cut in the main garage door openings and stained them a darker color than the rest and it looks awesome. He has a stable of classic show cars that he likes to display and doesn't do much as far as shop work so as I say not sure of the durability of the stain in a real life shop environment oils, grease, dirt etc........ The stain is easy to apply for a DIY guy like yourself might be worth considering. The color he selected is very similar to the vinyl flooring James posted above.

Last edited by rockytopper; 08/05/09 12:29 PM.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................