What RC51 says will work. The general consensus among most of us in the profession for skin mounts is to wrap a wet towel around the fish and slide it into a garbage bag which is pretty much what Bill Cody said. When the towel freezes around the fish it creates an armor plating that protects the fins from being broken and keeps the fish from drying out. Wrap the excess garbage bag around the fish and towel pushing the air out, and run tape around this such as duck tape to seal it up and hold it in place.

What I don't like to see is a fish wrapped directly in newspaper -- not because it's hard to get off, or leaves print on the fish --(soaking in water takes it off easily), but it tends to suck the moisture right out of the fish even in a sealed garbage bag. The saran wrap is fine, but I see no point in putting newspaper over that when you could just use a wet towel and garbage bag and be done with it.

I had a fish of my own in the freezer for 15 years via the wet towel and garbage bag method due to it not being a priority and not paying the bills, and it was just fine.

If you have a really large fish like a pike or musky you can use two garbage bags.

Be sure to label it as I've had more than one case where the wife of a customer threw out a fish in their freezer. \:\( of course I'm not sure that was on purpose in at least some cases.

Back before I specialized in fish, if I had a nickel for every wife that said, "You're not hanging that in my house" when the husband and wife came to pick up the deer mount, I'd be a rich man. They spend a small fortune on a deer mount and it would end up in the garage or basement! I'm also leary of leaving a message with some wives to tell their husband their mount is ready for pick up. I've had more than a few not tell them.

Whoops I think I got of track!

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 08/01/09 01:25 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.