The Trophy grower Max and secchi dish i ordered from Greg Grimes on Thursday was here waiting for me when i got home Monday. Great service! Thanks Greg. The clarity was over 36" and I fertilized this afternoon. It dissolved easily.

The FA has continued to grow after my inept attempt with the Cutrine. I hope fertilizing doesn't exacerbate the FA problem. There were a lot of LMB hanging around the FA. I also found a dead one in the 16" range laying exposed against the bank at the area of the most concentrated FA in the shallow end. This is the first dead fish I have seen in my pond. It wasn't more than 12 hours dead I think. The eyes were still bright and it only had a few peck marks from birds, Very strange.

I wonder if I should try the Cutrine again this weekend or just wait? Also, the 2nd application of fertilizer should be August 12 according to the directions. Should I see evidence of a bloom before then? How critical is the schedule for that 2nd application? Is the 15th or 10th OK?

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