We are using 3 day weekends to attack the framing. With the travel time to and from, combined with the time to set up and tear down, we are probably gettin in a good 2 days of production. Maybe 2.25 days....and they are very long. Both Dski and I have been reminded that the 10 years since we took on a project like this have ushered in significant and noticeable differences in our physical abilities. It's hell gettin' old(er).
This is a feel for the downstairs shop area. The wall that will separate the garage area from the shop area will go along the control joint in the concrete that runs just behind the plastic bagged Pex tubing bundle and controls. This zone is 15' x 28' wide; 6 windows. Ewest's simple logic to put alot of glass on the pond side landed 4 windows 36" x 60" on that wall. We broke construction tradition by pushing the tops of these taller windows above the normal exterior sight line. This will put the bottoms just above a comfortable workbench height.

At the end of the day (weekend #2 of framing), one part of me is disappointed by the progress and another part is digging the results. Since we are moving slowly, we take great pains to thwart water damage to the work already completed. We also install panels into the window cutouts on the prevailing wind side. I have to juggle the schedule a bit before we can get serious about installing windows. In the meantime, the house wrap is a good protector.