Today's update. Work, work, work. Had to go into town for some parts and supplies, trying to get the place in order. No fishing today makes for a dull JHAP. The Polarius keeps shutting off (even after the new battery) - I'm going to trace the wiring. I'm thinking it maybe a bad ground wire as all of the power (dash lights, etc) shut down intermittently. The Polarius was sitting in a mini-barn that has mice so I'm thinking a mouse may have chewed some wires - who knows.

DIED called and we're still playing telephone tag but we have an invitation to his place tomorrow afternoon for some much needed air conditioning (104 at our place today) and some beverages. It'll be great to see our good friends again.

I forgot to mention that yesterday we almost got into a serious car crash. We were driving along and a car towing a trailer slowed and then stopped in front of us. I slowed down and stopped as well but a large utility truck behind us wasn't paying attention. I saw the truck coming in my rear view mirror but didn't have anywhere to go - there was a car in front of me and on coming traffic in the other lane. At the last second the driver of the utility truck noticed that we were stopped and it was way too late for him to try and stop. He swerved off the road and came so close to my 4Runner that the wind rocked the car violently - I actually though he had grazed us. I pulled off the road to check the bumpers and mirrors of the truck (yep, that's how close he came). He turned around up the road and came back to see if we were OK. He apologized, which I appreciated, but I couldn't help but think how lucky we were that he just missed us. He was going about 50-60 on a 50MPH road and with the size of the utility truck we'd have been toast. Oh did I mention that I had just gone to the gas station and was carrying 10 gallons of gas in gas cans in the back of the 4Runner. Someone was watching over us yesterday.

All is good. More work tomorrow and then off to DIED's place.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)