Well we're back at our pond property in Northern California. This is the first time we've been here since November 2008 and it shows. Field grass is a yard high, and the place generally looks neglected. Much different than how we left it in 2008. As we drove down the slight incline to the ranch gate we noticed that two trees had fallen across our entrance road. Fortunately they were both only 20 foot high pines and Ricki was able to drag them out of the way so I could drive onto the ranch. The battery was dead in the Polarius Ranger, so I had to jump start it to get her off and running. Spent the tail end of yesterday, after our 500 mile drive up here, cutting the pine trees, getting the Ranger started and just generally setting up camp.

Today we weed wacked a swath through the field grass down by the pond so we could get a look see at the pond. The pond looks better than I thought it would. It's only down about 18 inches from full pool (that's not bad for this time of year). The Elodea is pretty much gone but the American Pond Weed has come on with a vengence. Fish are jumping everywhere, bull frogs are making there presence known. Overall the pond looks beautiful! After 3 hours of weed wacking in the heat we donned our swim gear and jumped into the pond. Dang that felt so good. Floating around the pond just enjoying getting cooled off. A bunch of rogue YOY bass decided that Ricki was on the menu and attacked. She bravely fended them off - they're aggressive little guys.

We're going to treat the American Pond Weed and I also have a new weed to identify. I'm going to use the Reward/Cutrine mix we used last year to blast the American Pond Weed.

Tomorrow more weed wacking is in store and fishing in the afternoon (perhaps an evening fishing session will occur tonight but right now we're tired and sore and just trying to stay out of the 90+ degree heat). One of my arch rivals here on Pond Boss sent me some lures that I'm dying to try out. He's hoping it will catch GSF but I'm quite sure that I'll slaughter some BG with it. I'm not sure if he wanted to remain unnamed so I shall not mention his name but this act of generosity is a great reminder of the wonder people that we have on these forums. In times of happiness and in times of tragedy we have become one large family that I'm so glad I am a part of.

All is going great and I'm so glad I can stay connected to Pond Boss while here at the pond property.

DIED and I have been playing telephone tag but we'll get connected and I'm sure find some form of trouble to engage in.

Being here enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of nature completely reminds me why I want to be a Pond Boss.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)