Well, the green sunfish have vacated the premesis:

Got 'em

He grew a lot in 1 year:

Last May

Last Sunday they would not go after the worms, so I had a .22 rifle and tried to shoot them when guarding their nests. I took many shots but it seemed like I missed them. When I went today to fish them out, I saw a dead green sunfish floating. I saw no bullet wound, so not sure if the bullet slowed down and just klobbered him on the head or what... The fish I caught today I took to my fathers very small cattial choked pond, very shallow. Not sure if he'll make it, but...

Anyways, the other pictures there show some of the plantlife I have, as well as a few of the very many frogs.


Time for FHM's!

Last edited by ETD66SS; 07/11/09 08:03 PM.