agree thanks for the work--would like to know results of db100 if you do the test or similar test--my pond is leaking too--cleaned out 2' of bottom and lined with 2' clay--still leaks--found soft places back of the dam and some water (where everything else was dry)---section of dam is about 100yards long 6 to 8ft high--am thinking of renting small trac hoe and digging every 10 to 15' to see if i can determine more about leakage--still will probably look at trenching and packing clay and trying to tie it in to the 2' of clay we already did. may try adding bentonite/kitty litter/to clay in trench--also may try spraying it down with db100 to seal trench--any other suggestions?? or ideas? have spent too much money on this to redig entire dam and recore --i'll fill it in first. thanks
p.s. i also mixed in 96x50lb bags bentonite ($1143) to what we thought was likely the most problem areas in my pond bottom.
so how much is special kitty for 50lb? 35k invested so far andi get sick thinking of the swimming pool i could have had for that amount. thanks again

Last edited by ga pond rookie; 07/11/09 02:42 PM.