I'm no expert but I also have a weeping willow. It is about 8 years old grown from a twig. It grew to 8 inch dia in the first 2 years then a beaver ate it to the ground. It came back as a bush. I cut all but three branches which grew a three trunk tree that has reached about 40 ft in dia and about that tall. For some reason half of it died this year. I just cut the dead half off of it. You can feel it raining on you during the summer. I have seen no real difference in my 1 acre pond level sense the tree has matured or before we had it. I am also on a water table pond so it goes up and down with the table. I have just installed 2 bald cypress beside it on each side so when it dies they will be big enough to take it's place.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................