I finished digging my ponds last summer, and they still have about 2ft of water level to rise as I had them pumped out pretty much empty last fall while working on the clay lining.

I'd like to start adding fish, minnows now, and then the rest of the fish in spring 2010.

You can see my pond construction thread here: ETD66SS Ponds

Unfortunately a lot of the picture links in the beginning part of that thread are dead, but for the latest pictures just look on the last page.

Here is a layout of the ponds: Ponds Layout

Right now the small pond is 10ft deep, and the large is 9ft deep. They should both reach 12ft deep after the winter/spring months. I still have not decided if I want to connect the ponds together with a culvert, or put in two separate overflow swales. Would different fish in each pond be a good thing?

Even though the ponds are not totally full, I'm thinking I can add minnows now?

I found this online, it's about Ohio ponds, but I figured my ponds being in Western New York, the species plan should be quite similar: Species Recommendations

Here is the hatchery I'd be buying the fish from: Smith Creek Fish Farm

Any expert advice?

I would love to have a few northern pike in my large pond, but I doubt the water is deep/cold enough? I'd really also like a few novelty walleye, but again, I could not dig the ponds to the 20ft depth I wanted... It seems my choices are very limited.

Last edited by ETD66SS; 07/08/09 10:39 AM.