Originally Posted By: Sean
Any advise on how to get the wife to stop asking questions?

I've found that they really don't want to hear the answer, so I like to stop what I'm doing and engage them in a long, drawn out explination of what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and what I hope to achieve. It doesn't take very long for those that are annoying me to lose interest and find a way to escape my answer, but to drive the point home, I then like to push it and bring it up later with further explination of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Then when I run out of things to say, and have said it all at least three times, I thank them for their interest.

My ex wife is who I'm thinking of for this reply, but my parents are also victems of my replies from time to time, as is my brother and a few current inlaws. My wife, Steph, is actualy able to comprehend what I'm doing by just watching me and helping out. But then again, she's smarter then I am, so she picks up on things faster the I do.

She came up with a name for what I do. She calls it "Hookey" Like in playing hookey from school. I had a friend of hers tell me that she was playing hookey from work one day and that we needed to do the same thing. She sort of annoyed me, so I went on and on about not knowing what hookey was and that I had never heard of it before. Now when I go on and on in one of my replies to somebody who is annoying me, she calls it "Hookey."


Last edited by eddie_walker; 07/06/09 10:21 AM.

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