Thanks to everyone for the input thus far.

Not 100% sure about Spring Valley...I know they focus on on trout & run fishing ponds for visitors. When I checked their website a while back, they didn't have LMB, even though I think one of the government sites listed them as having them. They are close enough to be a potentially good source of minnows though, which leads me to my next question...

If I were to go with a LMB-Only scenario, could I use minnows as my only food-supplement? Would that be enough to get the size of the bass up a bit? If so, how self-sustaining would the minnow population be?

I have no problem throwing in some minnows once a year or so. I just don't want to worry about dragging around bags of fish-chow and feeding pellets all the time. I was under the impression that minnows would be too small to be a decent meal for adult LMB. If the two would work out well-enough together, that doesn't sound bad to me.

On a side note, I was also considering introducing bull-frog tadpoles. Would these just be all gobbled up by the LMB once they are established? I'm already realizing that I may have problems with Herons wanting to eat up anything that makes it's way into the shallows...I find about a million footprints every time I go back there.