well, we met with the neighbor and go absolutely nowhere. Her only solution was that we completely remove our berms and return it so that her yard could drain into our pond. We again tried to tell her that her yard is dryer because of the berms and that the pond was helping control the water on her lot. She claims that we are in violation of a county ordinance, so she can build the dam. She did not name anyone that she talked to, but felt that she had the upper hand.

I checked with our township, contractor, and the environmental company that designed the pond and water flow, and all agreed that we are in full compliance. The next step is probably a lawyer's letter. I'll keep you posted as we continue.

I am so glad that we documented everything, and worked with reliable people who got the right permits.

One line that the township zoning supervisor stated will really help us, I think. He said that she cannot block our access to the wetland. she can redirect the water once it hits her land, but she cannot keep our water from leaving our lot.

Retired Coach

Just another day in paradise!