The LMB spawn is not a monolithic event. It occurs over a period of time. Many factors effect its timing and make up like temps , water condition , available food, photoperiod , existing fish populations and weather to name a few. If an event occurs in the middle of the spawn (flood , extreme temp drop , etc) the male may abandon the eggs on the bed and/or fry may die. However there may still be a number of LMB that have not spawned who will do so a little later. Also there may be some LMB not yet ready to spawn due to age or condition who will do so later. While LMB usually spawn once they do have the ability to adapt and spawn again if the circumstances require it and the conditions are right. Complete failure of a year class does occur but is not common. It is best to view the LMB spawn as a whole focusing on the size and condition of a year class rather than whether some fish failed to spawn successfully.

Last edited by ewest; 06/16/09 01:16 PM.