Hey everybody. Have any of you ever heard of chemicals used for the treatment of algea killing eggs or fry. The fish in my pond still haven't spawned. The water is well into the 70's and I still can't find any fry. The beds are there but there are no signs of a successfull spawn.

I'm guessing that maybe the algea treatments came right when most of the fish were spawning and the chemicals either killed the eggs or inhibited the eggs from being fertilized. My question is whether or not any of you have ever had this experience or if this is even possible. I'll check with the guy that treats the pond to find out exactly what he used. In the mean time I just want to find out if this is a plausable explanation for why we don't have any signs of a spawn.

If the fish didn't spawn successfully how will this affect the pond. Will we need to supplement with some other forage: GSH, more BG, etc....