Originally Posted By: CoachB
Okay, time to pick up this thread again. It is now mid June and I am starting to see a bit of FA in the shallows (some strings coming up from the bottom). I also have had small clumps of black stuff floating around the pond. the clumps are not big (the biggest about the size of a hand) and not that numerous. I scooped most of them out with my net. Also, the darn cottonwoods have covered my pond with snow. I also scooped most of that out as well.

Here is my question: what should I be expecting/looking for during this first year of the pond that indicates that I have problems? the fish are doing great and the water clarity is about four feet.

If you ever do have problems you probably won't see them this early in the pond's life. A little FA and some clumps coming loose from the bottom are normal.

Do you circuclate your water via a diffuser(s)?

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.