I found some pretty cool looking surface plants from this site;
http://www.aquabotanicstore.com This site has mostly aquarium plants, but they do have some harder to find pond plants from time to time, and they have special ordered marginals and lilies for me.

I was looking for somewhat unusual plants. Ludwigia sediodes is from south america, also called the Mosaic plant

I love the look of it! It is supposed to have nice yellow flowers too

I also got Orange Snowflake, Nymphoides hydrocharioides, wich is from Australia and has real nice orange flowers

I was considering getting the "sensitive plant" Neptunia aquatica

I like the looks of this as well. Does anyone have any experience with any of these plants, and how well did they do? I putting them mostly in barrell and container gardens.

Last edited by plantlover; 05/28/09 06:42 PM.