Who told you that we only have four more weeks of good growing season?

Bermuda needs hot weather to germinate. We've had some very cool weather this year and the Bermuda at my place is way behind where I would consider normal in growth. I'm just starting to mow it for the fist time this year, and last year, I had mowed it several times by now. I was told by the guy at the seed store that I needed the soil to be 80 degrees for the seed to germinate . I'm getting there right now at the peak of the day, but I'm also dropping down into the 50's and 60's at night.

I planted 2 acres of Bermuda seed two weeks ago. I don't expect to see anything out of it for another week at the earliest. When it does sprout, it will come out as a very fine, thin blade. It will stay like that for few weeks, then start to bunch up into a sort of island of grass. Once that thickens up, it will start to spread out.


Lake Marabou http://www.pondboss.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=139488&fpart=1

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.