Hi CJBS2003:
I had a few thing that sort of took up my Memorial day and most of Sunday but I have reached a few conclusions:

1. I will gamble on the shiners in moderation
2. I have made arrangements to stock the GSH, FHM and bull Minnows (Banded Killifish)per your recommendation on next Saturday.

When should I stock the 20 CC this fall with the BGs and RES or next year with the LMB.

I have looked at the pumpkinseed pictures on the forum and think they are the same fish that we used to catch in the South Branch of the Potomac above Moorefield in the 1950s. They were not real common but you usually caught about 1 for every 20 or 25 rock bass. BG were not common in the river either BG mostly occurred in farm ponds and back water sloughs then.

We called them Red Ears for the red spot on their gill flaps, they were feisty little critters and averaged notably smaller than the Rock Bass and were definitely not BGs looking at the pictures I am pretty sure they were pumpkinseeds; although I have not personally fished the South Branch in at least 25 years a friend tells me they still occur in the river but not nearly as commonly as BGs. As a matter of curiosity how big are they further down stream in your area?

I was planning on buying a digital camera this year anyway so I will get one and learn to post pictures