Hi Chris:

You are probably right as to the combo I am looking at, its on page 16 rather than 6 probably a typo in your post. However after more reading on the PB Forums and considering this groups very informed and educational postings, definitely including yours. I am developing second thoughts as to what to stock and when to stock it. I need to step back and rethink this.

As of now the basic fish mix seems OK to me: LMB,BG, RES,CC and temporary forage IE Fat Heads and maybe Rosey Red minnows but it now appears to me from another thread on PB that RRs are just a color variation on FHMs.

However at this point it seems that the best thing to do would be stock the forage minnows and some sunfish fry shortly and let them get established and stock the bass and maybe the CCs later in the fall or next spring. It also looks smart to see if I can not get about 25-50 bigger bluegills 5"-6" or more to let them spawn this summer.(cost effectiveness and year class recruitment per forum suggestion again) As for the crayfish I can probably catch a hundred or so of those in the local South Branch of the Potomac watershed in one or two nights thereby eliminating any issue of non native species. The other stuff now appears to be redundant or unnecessary as it seems they will most likely volunteer on their own. I certainly need to look at the economics and cost effectiveness more carefully to see what is the cheapest way to get what my pond will need to achieve the objectives. Reading the various PB forums makes me conscious of issues like feeding, aireation and fertilizing also.