What region of the country is it located?

Southwest Minnesota

How old is it?

Completed Fall of 2005

How much did the project cost? Or did you buy the pond with the property?

$ 4,000

How many acres is it?(what led to it being this size)

5 acres. The size was dictated by the land area and maintaining 6:1 slopes for the berm.

What's the maximum and average depth?(why these depths)

Maximum depth is 15 feet. Average is 10 feet.

Is it near your house or is it a weekend get away?

100 feet from the house

Do you have a dock, boat ramp, any other features?

Ramp 4’ x 16’, Barge/Dock 8’x16’

Aeration, if so what system?

Kasco circulator

Do you feed, if so what brand food, how much and how?


Aquatic vegetation, species present, % of your pond covered, submergent/emergent/trees?

Sago Pondweed, Floating Leaf Pondweed, Chara, Busy Naiad, Northern Watermilfoil. 25-30%

What game fish species are present? Biggest of each caught, average size of each species?

Bluegill, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Yellow Perch, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike. All year classes are present.

Do you have any forage fish species in your pond, if so are they naturally reproducing or do you stock them annually?

Fat Head Minnows, Topeka Shiners, both reproduce.

How many hours a week on average do you spend fishing/relaxing at/maintaining your pond?

As much as possible.

Anything you wish you did different?

Built it 30 years ago.

Anything else you'd like to add about your pond(s)?

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