This might be something discussed before, but for two days straight at my feeding station on my 4 acre pond I saw what appears to be a bluegill that is solid Black. I just recently stocked 60lbs of Tilapia and 1000 CNBG about 3 weeks ago but don't remember seeing it in those fish although I couldn't say I was actually looking that close.

Anyways, by watching it swim it resembles a bluegill in shape, not a tilapia but once again this is just a visual observation. The only thing that is a little noticable is all of its fins look a little longer than normal. This may be due to the fact that they are more visible under the water due to their dark nature.

If he/she is present again tomorrow I'll take a photograph. It doesn't appear to eat pellets as much as the other bluegill but when it comes to the surface it is a striking black color. Its a new one for me.