Macrophyte are larger plants that have vascular systems (fluid transport) and usually with leaves and stems, i.e. higher and more specialized types of plants than algae types. Macrophytes are also called vascular plants. There are two basic types terrestrial and aquatic.
Plankton (free floating with little if any mobility) has two basic types: animal type called zooplankton and plant type called phytoplankton.

Water clarity is all relative. My pond in NW OH currently has visibility to see your soon to be made visibility disk in water 8-9 ft deep. Earlier it had visibilities of 10-12 ft. Too clear? - It all depends. I don't think so. In a small deep steep sided pond one can grow quite a few big fish. You do it by feeding them pellets. Ferilization of northern "farm" ponds (non hatchery) tends to be tricky and often problematic for beginners and even those with good experience. Fertilization of northern ponds often leads to winterkills and nuisance bluegreen algae blooms during July and August. Dr. Willis had an good article a year or two ago in PBoss Mag why fertilization of northern ponds is not suggested or reccommended. One should be able to find the issue it occurred in, in Cody's PB Magazine Contents/Index topics located in the Archives Section.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 05/04/09 09:30 PM.

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