I don't know if this will be a problem for you but around here all the park ponds are pretty much fished out. It's sad, The kids go to fish and all the "grown ups" have taken all the fish out for food. I don't like to be a nay sayer but that's another thing you might have to find a solution for.

If the pond is catch and release only then you might run into an overpopulation problem, which can be remedied easily. You could open the pond up for a kids fishing derby and have the kids check the fish in as they catch them. Then you can decide wheter to cull the fish or release it. That's looking a few years into the future but it's important to have a good plan.

I hope it all works out for you. As I said earlier I think all kids should have the opportunity to fish.

n8ly might be able to help you a little. he has a realy neat kids fishing project going on in Peoria IL.