Originally Posted By: JHFV
Ive been trying to get all of the CC out of my pond too. They just skim the top of the water with there mouths open and inhale it. I dont even need a line and hook. They will come right to the bank sometimes and eat pellets. Ive even bent down and slapped one on the face to scare him off so the bg could eat and all he did was go down and come back up. This was a 5 to 7 pound cat!
Good luck on getting big hook shy CC out of your pond.
We took out dozens with hook and line before they got smart.
It took a fish kill to remove remaining 10-14 pounders and there is at least one left that I observed recently.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)