One time when I was a kid I got a fishhook (OK, both the trebles on a little floating Rapala) stuck in my finger when a smallish LMB wasn't quite ready for me to pull them out of it's lip.

My Dad yanked 'em out with the needlenose pliers out of his tackle box and some extreme prejudice. I've spent much of the rest of my life trying to set hooks in bass lips as retaliation for that event. It doesn't appear that I've put a dent in their aggressiveness or hatred of barbed hooks but, if we all keep up our efforts, we may someday show them who's (pond) boss.

Or maybe not. At least they don't heat up and explode at 3000 degrees or so.

I'll never use a metal spatula to flip a pancake on a teflon griddle again, I can tell you that.

Rainman, you're 'the' man.