Originally Posted By: Typenice
If it makes you feel better every qualifying fish hasn't made it's way into the magazine in the past. For example in 2007, I caught a 21.5 inch smallmouth [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=1470[/img] from lake Erie (region 5) and had it registered. I received my snazzy badge, species tag and letter in the mail. I too was excited and thought my fish and/or name was going to appear in the magazine. But, it turns out only a certain amount of the smallmouth entries were printed for each region that year. I missed being in the magazine by 1/8 of an inch. So, even in the past, there was no guarantee of making it in the magazine just because you entered a qualifying fish. However, I did get my name and fish printed on the "Full List" via the on-line PDF. That's where I found out I missed making it into the magazine by an 1/8 of an inch. Damn, who measures a bass at 21.625 inches??? I'll tell you who: Ed Porowski

What region did your fish belong to? I know you said you caught them in Northwest Ontario. If its region 4, you had a good "chance" of making it in there in'08 had they not "run out" of editorial space(stating the obvious). Even, some 41 inchers made it in '07 from region 4. But, you never know. To get a pic printed now that is very difficult. All of the pike pics (region 4) from '07 contained fish that were over 47 inches. Now, if your pike were caught in region 5 you would think they would be listed in the mag (i.e. 45"-44" is huge for that region) but, in '07 they didn't list a single pike for region 5 in the mag (only online). Imagine that, having the largest fish for a particular species and region and not getting in the mag!

Turns out, '08 wasn’t the first year IFM had a "shortage" of editorial space. By the way, regardless of where you caught your fish, those are some big gals, congrats and I think you deserved to at least get your name in the mag.

Anyway, this past fall my buddy Bri caught a 42 inch King Salmon (region 5) and I took a beautiful pic of it. [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=2049[/img] He entered it and got his "credentials" in the mail. The largest King in'07 from region 5 was 41.5 inches. So needless to say, I thought he was going to have a "full spread". It didn't happen. He didn't even get mentioned in the mag. I think a bunch of "pig" Kings were caught and registered this year in region 5 (I don't have my mag with me right now to reference but i think that was a reason). Not to mention, they only had the "Highlights" printed. Well I don't know about you but a 42" king salmon is certainly a highlight in my eyes. I guess Doug sees things differently. lol

Thought I'd share my experiences with you and let you know you’re not the only one who has been let down by Mr. Stange and his staff.lol All that matters is that you caught and landed those fish. Good job! I'll be looking for your entries on-line. Email the pdf. to your friends if you want. That’s what I did in '07. lol.

Keep your lines tight and your drag where it needs to be!

Hey Typenice;

Thanks for dredging up these painful memories...seriously though, it doesn't really matter to me except it was a nice avenue to try and generate a little levity and magnify the irony of my situation. Further, they published a pic of a guy with a much smaller NP and who was far less photogenic than I. Sigh...it's hard being beautiful - especially when no one else agrees.

I am glad to be in good company with you though - oh yeah, and 21.5 is an INDUSTRIAL SMB! Congrats man, and double congrats for allowing its genes to remain in the watershed - a lot of guys would have mounted it.

Welcome to the Forum - glad to see another SMB fan around - and another snubbed Master Angler.


Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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