Originally Posted By: Rainman
 Originally Posted By: Anna
I'm telling you this is going to be quite the adventure. I'm so glad that I found this warm and humorous forum to share it all with. Thank you all for the help.

The characters are named and the stage is set! This will become an EPIC Theater of the Absurd!!!

We have life threatening action (Snakes, VFD)

We have adventure (Pete's Donkey)

We have Love (the Love Shack)

We have mystery and intrigue (VISITORS of the Love Shack)

We PROBABLY have deep, enlightening, and insightful conversations (No doubt plenty of herb has been consumed in the Love Shack)

We have a VERY solid plot (The dream of the beautiful restoration of the "Diamond in the rough")

We have side splitting, soda snorting comedy (the whole damn story!)

THIS is what Hollywood SHOULD look for!

Oh ya! HOWDY Anna! Sure glad you came!

And this is my life! But there are a few more characters that will need to be developed as the story unfolds. Of course we have hubby. Bless his heart he is an Alabama transplant from San Francisco. The first time I took him Blueberry picking he asked me if he needed gloves! \:D He's a complete green horn and a real city boy. He doesn't like to get dirty. Large learning curve coming on for him.

Then we have my six dogs who each have their own personalities and irrepressible sense of humor. Some days I think I only kept the ones with mental disabilities. They get into more mischief and cause more chaos than any bunch of hairy mongrels I know. I will develop them more fully as the story goes along.

We have the closest neighbors (that don't keep ordnance in the house), Don and Kammie, with a K. I don't know why she introduced herself that way? "I'm Kammie, with a K." Did she think I was going to send her a letter? This is Don's third marriage and apparently wife #2 got everything. I have a sneaking suspicion that Kammie (with a K) might have had something to do with that unfortunate turn of events. Don is an avid beer drinker and on the weekends you don't see him without a Miller Lite in his hand. Even for breakfast! They are a clean and neat couple in their early to mid forties.

Around the corner we have Wayne. He lives in a small brick house surrounded by an acre of junk! He does have two tractors and keeps the road clear and grated when the county forgets we exist. Wayne seems to be a nice, dependable simple sort of older country fellow. Always ready to lend a hand but not as agile as he was in his youth. I'd estimate him at around 60 something. When he smiles it looks like his teeth are too big for his head! He is something else but I think he will be a fast friend.

Then we have me. I'm a German transplant to Alabama via the Military. My father had two sons (my brothers who tied me to the clothes line and threw dog poop on me) but I was the one he took fishing and hunting and taught how to do most everything including operating power tools. He instilled a fearlessness in me that I cherish. I own a Health Food store for pets. So yes, I am a closet tree hugger. \:D I'm the kind of person who takes bugs outside and sets them free rather than kill them and I recycle. I have to deal with people and their pets all day. Many of the pets have chronic or terminal illnesses and I help to develop diet and supplement programs for them to extend their quality of life. I also get to roll around on the floor with puppies and older dogs all day, so all in all I have a great job. Except that I work about 65 hours a week.

So the stage is set and the adventure begins. This is going to be one wild ride!

Last edited by Anna; 04/22/09 06:54 AM.

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?